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Xiang Dong, Elijah Mbandi Mkala, Elizabeth Syowai Mutinda, Jiaxin Yang, Vincent Okelo Wanga, Millicent Akinyi Oulo, Victor Omondi Onjolo, Guangwan Hu*, Qingfeng Wang. 2022 . Taxonomy, comparative genomics of Mullein (Verbascum, Scrophulariaceae), with implications for the evolution of Verbascum and Lamiales . BMC Genomics, 23 : 566

Jiaxin Yang, Guoxiong Hu*, Guangwan Hu*. 2022 . Comparative genomics and phylogenetic relationships of two endemic and endangered species (Handeliodendron bodinieri and Eurycorymbus cavaleriei) of two monotypic genera within Sapindales . BMC Genomics, 23 : 27

Xiaohan Jiang, Xiujun Zhang*. 2022 . RSNET: inferring gene regulatory networks by a redundancy silencing and network enhancement technique . BMC Bioinformatic, 23 : 165

Tian Hu, Shuai Peng, Xinxin Zhou, Yiming Zheng, Yiyan Cong, Guangwan Hu*. 2022 . Two new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China . Phytotaxa, 566 : 268–278

Caifei Zhang, Yan Wang, Feng Chen, Houlin Zhou, Miao Liao, Wyclif Ochieng Odago, Guangwan Hu*, Qingfeng Wang. 2022 . Vincetoxicum pingtaoanum (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadeae), a new species from the Three Gorges District in Central China . Phytotaxa, 564 : 059–070

Shixiong Ding, Huihua Liu, Benzhong Wang, Shuai Peng, Hui Jiang, Fredrick munyao Mutie, Emmanuel nyongesa Waswa, Guangwan Hu*. 2022 . Impatiens piufanensis var. villosa (Balsaminaceae), a new variety from Hubei and Hunan, China . Phytotaxa, 560 : 241–246

Zhizhong Li, Qingfeng Wang, Jinming Chen*. 2022 . Ottelia songmingensis, a new rank and combination of Hydrocharitaceae from China . Phytotaxa, 554 : 101–102

Donglan He, Wenjie Wan*. 2022 . Distribution of culturable phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in soil aggregates and their potential for phosphorus acquisition . Microbiology Spectrum, 10 : e00290-22

Weihong Zhang, Lu Chen, Haiyang Chen, Wenzhi Liu, Yuyi Yang*. 2022 . Geographic dispersal limitation dominated assembly processes of bacterial communities on microplastics compared to water and sediment . Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88 : 13

Yue Zhang, Xingyu Yang, Yves Van de Peer, Jinming Chen*, Kathleen Marchal*, Tao Shi*. 2022 . Evolution of isoform-level gene expression patterns across tissues during lotus species divergence . Plant Journal, 112 : 830–846