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Qianqian Chai, Benhong Wu, Weisheng Liu , Lijun Wang, Chunxiang Yang , Yiju Wang , Jinbao Fang , Youchun , Shaohua Li. 2012 . Volatiles of plums evaluated by HS-SPME with GC–MS at the germplasm level . Food Chemistry, 130 : 432–440

Qiong Liang , Guoyan Wei , Jianjun Chen , Ying Wang , and Hongwen Huang. 2012 . Variation of Medicinal Components in a Unique Geographical Accession of Horny Goat Weed Epimedium sagittatum Maxim.(Berberidaceae) . Molecules, 17 : 13345-13356

Liang Chen, Feng Ren, Li Zhou, Qing-Qing Wang, Hui Zhong and Xue-Bao Li. 2012 . The Brassica napus Calcineurin B-Like 1/CBL-interacting protein kinase 6 (CBL1/CIPK6) component is involved in the plant response to abiotic stress and ABA signalling . Journal of Experimental Botany, 63 : 6211–6222

Lili Huang , Jia Li , Hechun Ye , Changfu Li ,Hong Wang , Benye Liu , Yansheng Zhang. 2012 . Molecular characterization of the pentacyclic triterpenoid biosynthetic pathway in Catharanthus roseus . Planta, 236 : 1571–1581

Lu. X., Ding, J. 2012 . History of exposure to herbivores increases the compensatory ability of an invasive plant . Biological Invasions, 14 : 649–658

Li, X., Guo, W., Ding, J. 2012 . Mycangial fungus benefits the development of a leaf-rolling weevil, Euops chinesis . Journal of Insect Physiology, 58 : 867-873

Huang, W., Carrillo, J. & Ding*, J. Siemann, E.. 2012 . Interactive effects of herbivory and competition intensity determine invasive plant performance . Oecologia, 170 : 373-82

Wang, Y., Siemann, E., Wheeler, G.S., Zhu, L., Gu, X., Ding, J.. 2012 . Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defences in an invasive plant. . Journal of Ecology, 100 : 894-904

Jing Lu, Haibin Wang, Min Pan, Jing Xia, Wei Xing, Guihua Liu. 2012 . Using sediment seed banks and historical vegetation change data to develop restoration criteria for a eutrophic lake in China . Ecological Engineering, 39 : 95– 103

Wenzhi Liu, Quanfa Zhang and Guihua Liu. 2012 . Influences of watershed landscape composition and configuration on lake-water quality in the Yangtze River basin of China . Hydrological Processes, 26 : 570-578