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Yiying LIAO ,Youhao GUO, JinMing CHEN, QingFeng WANG. 2014 . Phylogeography of the widespread plant Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae) in China indicated by three chloroplast DNA regions . Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52 : 175–185

D. WANG, S.Z. XIE#, J. YANG, and Q.F. WANG. 2014 . Molecular characteristics and expression patterns of Rubisco activase, novel alternative splicing variants in a heterophyllous aquatic plant, Sagittaria graminea . Photosynthetica, 52 : 83-95

Lingyun Chen, Shuying Zhao, Kangshan Mao, Donald H. Les, Qingfeng Wang, Michael L. Moody. 2014 . Historical biogeography of Haloragaceae: An out-of-Australia hypothesis with multiple intercontinental dispersals . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 78 : 87–95

Jinming CHEN Zhiyuan DU Yangyang YUAN Qingfeng WANG. 2014 . Phylogeography of an alpine aquatic herb Ranunculus bungei (Ranunculaceae) on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau . Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52 : 313–325

She Dongli & Liu Dongdong & Liu Yingying & Liu Yi & Xu Cuilan & Qu Xin & Chen Fang. 2014 . Profile characteristics of temporal stability of soil water storage in two land uses . Arab J Geosci, 7 : 21–34

Yi Liu, Jing Wang, Dongbi Liu, Zhiguo Li, Guoshi Zhang, Yong Tao, Juan Xie, Junfeng Pan, Fang Chen. 2014 . Straw Mulching Reduces the Harmful Effects of Extreme Hydrological and Temperature Conditions in Citrus Orchards . Plos One, 9 : e87094

Li Li , Cai-hong Zhong , Yin-bing Bian. 2014 . The molecular diversity analysis of Auricularia auricula-judae in China by nuclear ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer . Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 17 : 27–33

Feiyan Tang, Qigang Ye, Xiaohong Yao. 2014 . Patterns of genetic variation in the Chinese endemic Psilopeganum sinense (Rutaceae) as revealed by nuclear microsatellites and chloroplast microsatellites . , 55 : 190-197

Qiong Zhang, Leiting Li, Robert VanBuren, Yanling Liu, Mei Yang, Liming Xu, John E Bowers, Caihong Zhong, Yuepeng Han, Shaohua Li and Ray Ming. 2014 . Optimization of linkage mapping strategy and construction of a high-density American lotus linkage map . Bmc Genomics, 15 : 372

Qigang Ye, Feiyan Tang, NaWei and Xiaohong Yao. 2014 . Molecular and quantitative trait variation within and among small fragmented populations of the endangered plant species Psilopeganum sinense . Annals of Botany, 113 : 79–86