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Yuyi Yang, Lee Ann Woodward, Qing X. Li*, Jun Wang*. 2014 . Concentrations, Source and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils from Midway Atoll, North Pacific Ocean . Plos One, 9 : e86441

Jing Ge , Mingxia Liu, Xiaoyan Yun, Yuyi Yang , Miaomiao Zhang , Qing X. Li , Jun Wang. 2014 . Occurrence, distribution and seasonal variations of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in surface waters of the East Lake, China . Chemosphere, 103 : 256–262

Jing Ge, Xiaoyan Yun, Minxia Liu, Yuyi Yang, Miaomiao Zhang, Jun Wang. 2014 . Distribution, potential source and ecotoxicological risk of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the surface water of the Three Gorges Dam region of the Yangtze River, China . Ecotoxicology, 23 : 978–987

W. Zhou, Z. Wang, W. Xing & G. Liu. 2014 . Plasticity in latitudinal patterns of leaf N and P of Oryza rufipogon in China . Plant Biology, 16 : 917–923

Zhixiu Wang, LuYao, GuihuaLiu , WenzhiLiu. 2014 . Heavy metals in water, sediments and submerged macrophytes in ponds around the Dianchi Lake, China . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 107 : 200–206

Wei Xing, Wenmin Huang, Guihua Liu and Yongding Liu*. 2014 . Effects of Temperature , Light, Nitrate and Ammonium on Growth And Photosynthesis of Microcystis of Mcrocystis Aeruginosa(Cyanobacteria) Under Iron-Limited and Iron-replete Conditions . Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23 : 1934-1941

Xiaobin Wen, Fang Liang, Yahong Geng and Yeguang Li,*. 2014 . TWO-STAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIPID PRODUCTION IN BATCH CULTURE OF TWO GREEN MICROALGAE . Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 9 :

LIANG Fang, WEN Xiaobin, LUO Liming, GENG Yahong, LI Yeguang*. 2014 . Physicochemical effects on sulfi te transformation in a lipidrich Chlorella sp strain* . Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32 : 1288-1296

Xiaobin Wen, Yahong Geng, Yeguang Li*. 2014 . Enhanced lipid production in Chlorella pyrenoidosa by continuous culture . Bioresource Technology, 161 : 297–303

Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Liangliang Yue, Tao Feng, Haijia Chu, Shaotian Chen, Yunheng Ji, Hengchang Wang* and Jianqiang Li*. 2014 . Chloroplast phylogeography of the East Asian Arcto-Tertiary relict Tetracentron sinense (Trochodendraceae) . Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.), 41 : 1721–1732